Wayfairer pilgrim wrote:very well put. Your post cuts through all the nebulous rhetoric out there.
I do not believe that the propaganda of gay late teens being kicked out of the house is as prevalent as the course of a true prodigal. Often a prodigal shuns the parent and leaves on their own. The problem with Moore's supposition is the the hayseeds are chasing their children out of the home. If your home is a Godly home where Christ's love and standard of holiness is taught, often a person who is living a sinful and self loathing life will up and leave as they cannot hear the truth of the gospel as they are being blinded. Parents are hurt deeply because of a child's prodigal living. This is a difficult process and I find that the only one to change a child's bent toward sin is Christ himself. The parent may very well have too let a child leave for Christ to do an effective work in their life. But often your child will not change, but God's standard cannot be compromised , yes love your child but Christ rules all things and know all things, even when we do our best.
Comment by: Joe the Protestant at 6/20/2015 10:42:40 AM